Sunday, May 3, 2015

Balance of Payments ( 2 )

Assets or CREDITS ( + ) , Demand for $ , "Inflows"

  • Current Accounts :
    • Balance on Goods and Services
    • Net Exports ( Xn )
    • Balance of Trade
      • Exports ; tourism Here ( ex : Disney World )
    • Net Investments
      • interest / dividend payments foreigners paid to U.S. for the use of exported capital
    • Net Transfers
      1. Aid to U.S.
      2. Transfer back to U.S.
      3. Royal ties 
        • ex : wrote a song, but other people use it ( copyright )
  • Capital / Financial Accounts :
    1. Capital / Inflows
    2. Direct investment in the U.S. by foreigners
    3. Purchase of stocks and bonds by foreigners
    • Official Reserves
      1. Currencies
      2. IMF ( international monetary funds ) Holdings
      3. Gold
Liabilities or DEBITS ( - ) , Supply of $ , "Outflows"

  • Current Accounts :
    • Balance on Goods and Services
    • Net Exports ( Xn )
    • Balance of Trade
      • Imports ; tourism There ( ex : Paris )
    • Net Investments
      • interest / dividend payments the U.S. made for the use of foreign capital invested in the U.S.
    • Net Transfers
      1. Aid to Them
      2. Remittance from the U.S.
      3. Their Royalties
  • Capital / Financial Accounts :
    1. Capital / Outflows
    2. Direct investment in the U.S. over There
    3. Purchase of stocks and bonds by the U.S.
  • Official Reserves
    1. Currencies
    2. IMF ( international monetary funds ) Holdings
    3. Gold
Balance Trade :
  • goods and service EXPORT - goods and service IMPORT
Trade Deficit when balance on trade is negative :
  • more import than export
Trade surplus occurs when balance of trade is positive :
  • more export than import
Current Account :
  • balance of trade + net investment + net transfer
Capital Account :
  • foreign purchase of you country's asset + your country's purchase of assets abroad
Official Reserves ( ALWAYS POSITIVE )
  • Current Account + Capital Account
Balance of Goods and Service :
  • goods import + services import
Balance of Trade :
  • goods export + goods import

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