Sunday, May 3, 2015

Economic Growth and Productivity ( 2 )

  • Economic Growth Defined
    • sustained increase in real GDP over time
    • sustained increase in real GDP per capita over time
  • Why Grow?
    • growth leads to greater prosperity for society
    • lessens the burden of scarcity
    • increases the general level of welbeing
  • Conditions for Growth
    • Rule of Law
    • Sound Legal and Economics Institutions
    • Economic Freedom
    • Respect for Private Property
    • Political and Economic Stability
      • low inflationary expectations
    • Willingness to sacrifice current consumption in order to grow
    • Saving
    • Trade
  • Physical Capital
    • tools, machinery, factories, infrastructure
    • physical capital is the product of investment
    • investment is sensitive to interest rates and expected rates of return
    • it takes capital to make capital
    • capital must be maintained
  • Technology and Productivity
    • research and development, innovation and invention yield increases in available technology
    • more technology in the hands of the workers increases productivity
    • productivity is out per worker
    • more productivity = economic growth
  • Human Capital
    • people are a country's most important resource, therefore human capital must be developed
    • education
    • economic freedom
    • the right to acquire private property
    • incentives
    • clean water
    • stable food supply
    • access to technology
  • Hindrances to Growth
    • Economic and Political Instability
      • high inflationary expectations
    • abscence of the Rule of Law
    • diminished private property rights
    • negative incentives
      • welfare state
    • lack of savings
    • excess current consumption
    • failure to maintain existing capital
    • Crowding Out of Investment
      • government deficits and debt increasing long term interest rates
    • increased income inequality
      • Populist policies
    • restrictions on Free International Trade

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