Drugs are either,
- Agonists
- Antagonists
- Reuptake inhibitors
Thus you need more of the drug to feel the same effect.
If you stop using a drug you can develop withdrawal symptomsStimulants:
- Speed up body processes
- More powerful ones (like cocaine) give people feelings of invincibility
- Slows down body processes
- Alcohol
- more than 86 billion dollars are spent annually on alcoholic beverages
- involved in 60% of ALL crimes
- involved in over 70% of sexually related crimes
- Anxiolytics (barbiturates and tranquilizers)
- Opiates:
- Has a depressive and hallucinogenic quality
- Agonist for endorphins
- Derived from poppy plant
- Morphine, heroin, methadone, and codeine, all these drugs cross the placental barrier to teratogens